Elean's brother, Viccki and Anna's lover Jeremy Gilbert. He was born in 1995. He grew up a fantstic life as a cute child, diffrent but good. Until 2010 when he started to date Viccki Donavan, he loved Viccki alot. At first Viccki was embarressed to date a 15 year old. But soon Jeremy won her over again after a accident with Tyler Smallwood. Jeremy was happy with Viccki but then she diasappeared like the recent disapearences. A week later Viccki appeared at the halloween party dressed as a vampire.

Jeremy soon fell in love with Anna. But a flash back occoured of viccki sucking his blood. Jeremy came up with a idea and cut himself on purpose while Anna was in the room. Of course Jeremy was right she started drinking his blood. There love blazed stronger by each day. But then Viccki's body was found. Hell broke loose. Jeremy then new what he wanted. He wanted to be a vampire. He and Anna were lovers now. But then a couple of weeks later. A noise occoured and Anna started screaming and moaning. Police came and took Anna away. He never saw her again but he knew his sister Elena knew about vampires too. Jeremy's life changed then.
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